Drums & Percussion

For the musicians whose friends are always chiding them for tapping out a beat on counters, desks, and anything else they can reach, we have digital and traditional kits, pads, and accessories so you can turn your friends’ admonishment into astonishment. But you’ll still drum on the counters — that can’t be helped!

White Parade Marching Snare Drum Sling/Strap
White Parade Marching Snare Drum Sling/Strap
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Music Nomad - The Nomad Tool MN205
Music Nomad - The Nomad Tool MN205
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Yamaha DTX402K Electronic Drum kit
Yamaha DTX402K Electronic Drum kit
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RTOM MoonGel Damper Pads
RTOM MoonGel Damper Pads
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Haskell W. Harr Drum Method – Book One
Haskell W. Harr Drum Method – Book One
Regular price $16.99
Evans EQ Pods Drum Damper Gels
Evans EQ Pods Drum Damper Gels
Regular price $26.75 Sale price $14.99